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AKK Pedigree Database

The AKK Pedigree Online Database was launched in 2007 by Sharon Hari in response to requests from the Alaskan Klee Kai community. It is privately owned and offered as a free, on-line service to encourage sharing of information for the betterment of the breed and to maintain and promote a database that can be used as a research tool by breeders as well as the general public. While AKKAOA does not own this database, we do encourage AKK owners to submit their dog's information for the benefit of research purpose.

All Alaskan Klee Kai are desired to be included no matter the size, color, markings, UKC Registration status, breeding or not. Information from this database will be helpful to researchers and veterinary care professionals as well as serve to ensure and strengthen the continuity of the breed, encourage informed decision making about choosing a puppy or an addition to the breeding pool and identify breeding patterns and trends.

Information is obtained from a variety of public sources as well as directly from owners and breeders. We strive for accuracy, however errors can and will occur, therefore, if you discover any data that is not correct, please provide the Database Manager with the correct information. Your participation in making this database as accurate and complete as possible will be much appreciated by future users.


You can request access to the database and login to it here:


  • Go to the database website

  • Log in using the universal ID and Password: ezguest

  • After you log in, you can "Add your AKK" or you can search the database.


Copies of actual UKC pedigrees are always appreciated.  They provide additional verified information to complete the ancestry.  All information provided will be treated as confidential and will not be shared without your permission.


If you have any questions or want to provide copies of pedigrees or photos, you can message Sharon Hari on Facebook or email to

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