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Breed Standard

The Breed Standard is the guideline for the "perfect" AKK dog.  While there is no "perfect" AKK (although many owners might disagree with that!) the breed standard describes the structure, markings and temperment of an ideal dog. It is used by judges and exhibitors to evaluate dogs. Breeders should also be very knowledgable about the standard too, as all reputable breeders should be making breeding decisions that work towards that "perfect" dog and thereby improving the breed.


The original breed standard was created by Linda Spurlin. It was revised as the breed matured. When the breed was accepted by UKC, the breed standard become their property.  As with all breeds, the breed standard is refined over many years.  Some of UKC's changes were to make all of their standards follow the same format, and some were changes to the standard itself. While AKKAOA can make recommendations, the final revision is in the hands of UKC.


Here are links to the current standard (UKC) and links to previous breed standards.

AKKAOA Illustrated Standard 2019

This was created to show the points of the standard on actual dogs to help breeders, exhibitors and anyone interested in the fine points of the breed.

Original AKKAOA Standards
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